<p> </p><p>《Dance me to the end》 </p><p>献给由良美野里,献给岁月中被我们放弃的那些梦想 </p><p>· </p><p>原曲:太阳《眼鼻嘴》<a href="http://www.kuwo.cn/yinyue/4372354/" target="blank">http://www.kuwo.cn/yinyue/4372354/</a> </p><p>填词:colorshake </p><p>· </p><p>折断铅笔就破败指尖 花园 </p><p>再无童话要写 </p><p>锁进箱底前最后一眼 向芭蕾舞鞋告别 </p><p>渡时光的泉 </p><p>天真旧梦任它于彼岸搁浅 </p><p>尝过黄连才懂欣赏肤浅 的甜 </p><p>自欺的蜜饯 把放弃写作哲学 </p><p>天鹅垂颈这天 起雾的这天 </p><p>· </p><p>花蕾的祈愿吻向命运烈焰 </p><p>灰烬里拟将余生苟且 </p><p>忘记聚光灯下也曾耀眼 换几夜昏昏无梦眠 </p><p>却轻易瓦解 </p><p>在终于起舞的这天 </p><p>终究不甘妥协 </p><p>· </p><p>Just dance dance through the rainstorm </p><p>Let go all coldness </p><p>Pretend </p><p>That I am still the one </p><p>· </p><p>Please dance me when the dark falls </p><p>Save me a spark of moonlight </p><p>To shine </p><p>Long road to a brand-new day </p><p>(I know it’s hard to be there) </p><p>· </p><p>是否注定亏欠昨天 抱歉 </p><p>洪流中未幸免 </p><p>投入壁炉前最后一眼 向当年日记告别 </p><p>孤身赴岁月 </p><p>天真旧梦任它搁浅 </p><p>信誓旦旦不过幼稚童言 </p><p>任凭 铁锈色蔓延 侵蚀荣光与冠冕 </p><p>折断翅膀这天 起雾的这天 </p><p>· </p><p>背叛以明天开头所有祈愿 </p><p>逃亡太狼狈不忍怀缅 </p><p>松开手坠入遗忘的深渊 生活边缘安静沉潜 </p><p>却轻易瓦解 </p><p>在终于起舞的这天 </p><p>终究不甘妥协 </p><p>· </p><p>Just dance dance through the rainstorm </p><p>Let go all coldness </p><p>Pretend </p><p>That I am still the one </p><p>· </p><p>Please dance me when the dark falls </p><p>Save me a spark of moonlight </p><p>To shine </p><p>Long road to a brand-new day </p><p>(I know it’s hard to be there) </p><p>· </p><p>要辗转反侧嚼碎多少失眠 </p><p>反骨才终熬成碗浓稠乡愿 </p><p>光阴剑锋凛冽 </p><p>终不甘如此浑噩到终点 </p><p>· </p><p>Just dance dance through the rainstorm </p><p>Let go all coldness </p><p>Pretend </p><p>That I am still the one </p><p>· </p><p>Please dance me when the dark falls </p><p>Save me a spark of moonlight </p><p>To shine </p><p>Long road to a brand-new day </p><p>(I know it’s hard to be there) </p><p> </p>