A pair of little bare foot walked on the cold basement floor, her untied hair was long and
made a large difference with the white dress she was wearing. Her footsteps were light, as if
she was just an apparition from the past. Suddenly, a bright beam of light stroke on her.
“Caught you,” sighed a male. A pair of little bare foot walked on the cold basement floor, her untied hair was long and
made a large difference with the white dress she was wearing. Her footsteps were light, as if
she was just an apparition from the past. Suddenly, a bright beam of light stroke on her.
“Caught you,” sighed a male. On his hand a torch and a blanket, he walked up to her and
wrapped her up in the blanket that was too big for her size. It was enough to wrap up two
people in warmth but part of it was hauling on the floor in her case.
The bigger hand snapped to grab hers and pulled towards the opposite direction,
the small illumination didn't reach her dim eyes, the corridor was as long as she
remembered. The blanket around her slowly stored up heat from the still air, it failed to wake
her up from her state. Her eyes still glazed over so he was only talking to himself. “Forgot
to lock your door again?”He stopped at a door with glow-in-the-dark
stickers: snowman, snowflake, christmas tree and so on, he bent to pick up the blanket that
she didn't grasp, flung and put it back on her with a knot tied around her collar bone.
Then, he pushed the unlocked door and tugged her in, before closing the door with a light
Once he led her to the bed, no sharp objects around but soft fluffy plushies, he made a
clasp to wake her up. She shut her eyes firmly at the loud noise and when they were
open again, her consciousness returned. The confused mind didn't figure out what happened
and why he was looking at her with such an expression. The eyes rolled roamed around
shortly told her she was in her room, but - she should be - she looked at him for the answer.
“Long story short, you sleepwalked so I brought you back.”Her parted lips didn't close,
“Ah, hmm, thank you.”It wasn't the first time she do it, the frozen feet squirmed and
she put them up and curled up, grabbing the blanket from inside to close up the gap.
“You look like a homeless kitten in coldness, your hands were ******** cold.”
Before finished, he picked her hand out. “I thought human's hand is warmer?” A weak
laugh, “It supposed to be, I'm just a bit abnormal.” Feeling her body warmed up, she
rested her head on her knees. “.....Something happened and I changed.” There was silence
as she took her hand out.
“Have you thought of if we were not in this hunter-weapon relationship,
what would we be?”The girl asked, her toes nervously curled into the soft bedding
underneath. “Are you stupid?” said bluntly the one next to her, “There's no such thing,
why ghouls always ask questions like that?”
Despite his annoyed tone, he gave an answer. “I'm your weapon, and I protect your life for
the sake of my own.”That was an reply that fitted his personality much. “I dreamed that I
was a knight, I dreamed that I was a rabbit, I dream that we were friends......in another
universe.” A laugh broke the quietness, “Then that me's so unlucky, having a dumb friend
like you.” She didn't reply, her eyes casted down to the carpet that covered the dark floor
that reminded her it was a dungeon many decades ago. “One thing unchanged is that I
didn't dump you, be very grateful of that and it should be the only thing you think about.”
While he was murmuring he would still be the best one in any AU, the girl turned around
and placed a wrapped present box onto his laps. “Merry Christmas,” before she finished
her words, there was sounds of it being being torn apart, “Thank you for sticking with me
for another year.” It was fortunate she was still breathing, she could able to feel this world.
"WHAT THE ******** IS THIS?!" A simple chibi version was pinched up between two fingers
and swayed rudely. “Don't tell me this is me. I told you many times how majestic I am!”
He threw the sewn toy back into the box and pushed it her way, she frowned and pushed
back. “No one would ask the giver to take back their present, that's rude.” He didn't
hesitate to push towards her side again, “Yes if the receiver refuses to take it. That's your
fault.” Back and forth, the short temper one pushed too hard at a time and the two fell
onto the bed. Both were tired of the game and unwilling to leave the comfort that
embraced them and calmed them down.
Her eyes met with the dangling snowflake decorations above, which she put up for the
seasonal festival. The sparkles shone when they slowly swirled like a group of graceful ballet
dancers, they reminded her of snow, of a promise made. “Have you seen snow before?”
She lackadaisically raised her hand for the vague sparkly white. The heads almost touching,
his eyes halted on her and averted, “Yup. Why asking?” It almost felt like they were lying
on snow and watched they falling down from sky. With a beautiful melody of an
advertisement song played in her mind, a scroll of her memories unraveled.
★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★
"Hey, what're you watching? Your eyes would be damaged if you get that close to the TV.”
A force pushed her back to the safe distance. Her hands flung, struggled to stick her face
against the screen again while making whining sounds.
The pair of arms with firm muscles paused and a head with tanned skin and short hair
appeared, she had Asian dark brown eyes and they were gazing at the television at the
moment. “Oh an advertisement,” said the short hair. She didn't say anything, she was
captivated by what being shown. The brown eyes glanced at her and tried to induce a
conversation. “What's so special?”
The little girl with long smooth black hair was unable to avert her stare finally spoke, in a
dreamy voice. “The snow...is...beautiful!” It was of no importance what the commercial
tried to sell, inside, the snows slowly fell down from the sky, she wondered how it felt to
actually touch one. Her knowledge told her it should be cold and will melt, but it looked like
fluffy cotton candy to her. Small and soft, that was her impression. She knew what snow
“Oh right, you haven’t seen real snow, me neither -” As her hand raised to touch her
neck, a paler hand landed on her shoulder, “Then we'll go to see real snow for a Christmas,
what do you think?”
Pale skinned with braided long reddish brown hair, the comer wore a beautiful smile as she
pulled the smaller girl into her bosom. “REALLY? we can go see snow together,
that's great!” She curled her arms around the two, dragged them down to her level and
squished herself in between. “I can't wait for that day to come.”
Above her, the two discussed about it, planning to give their beloved sister a white
Christmas in a coming year.
★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★
The memory faded, as though a finished movie. “Nothing,"she shook her head. “W-When I finally had a chance to see snow myself, it wasn't as lovely as fuwa fuwa as, though even
the excitement didn't go away. It's not pure white, but greyish. I made a snow angel on a
snow covered park but they were not with me.” They couldn't fulfill that promise, as if the
castle in a snow globe, it was an impossible wish.
The snow looked beautiful and white inside it, it was a perfection. The real snow - however
looked like the flying ashes that day with drizzles, transparent wisp of smoke drifting
towards the grey sky. She was prohibited entry so she could only stare at the ashes
helplessly dissipated, disintegrated outside.
She didn't have an umbrella, the wet clothes clung to her skin and absorbed her heat, her
hair stuck on her paled face as she quivered. Anywise, she just stood there until everything
It was a dream, all of it. He won't be able to stay in a weapon golem for that long, she knew;
she hadn't learned how to sew yet. It was merely something she hoped to happen, deep
beyond consciousness. Too many things not allowed to be shared. She'd found herself
curled up and cuddled with a giant alpaca plush on bed when she woke up. It was given a
ribbon that tied around its neck and named Cotton Candy, a dear gift from her best friend.
She'd have organized the presents she brought, written a few words and sent them out with
her best wishes. She was allowed to sleep until the next morning, in her warm comfortable
bed. Many things would be waiting for the Asian hunter.
☑ 班戟
☑ 羊駝 (Alpacasso系列娃娃)
☑ 眼鏡
☑ 被擁抱
☒ 孤獨
☒ 血
☒ 被無視忽略
☒ 不被人需要
❀ 是我所有OC中感情最為複雜的一個, 看來開朗樂觀常笑的一面只是假象, 騙了別人也騙了自己的最佳演員。
❀ 父母健在, 但斷絕關係, 有1雙胞胎姐/妹, 2位姐姐在她18歲生日那天在一場車禍中喪生, 弟弟昏迷, 另有1位幼年夭折的兄長。
❀ 因為一連串不幸的事件, 被父親厭惡, 於車禍後更被母親稱為怪物。
❀ 雖為華人, 但眼瞳呈野獸般的琥珀色, 所以從小戴着沒度數的裝飾眼鏡。
❀ 營養不良令她比一般同齡者矮小, 看起來只像初中生, 其實已成年。
❀ 雖無雙重人格, 但有着完全不同的另一面
❀ 有夢遊症, 房間睡前會鎖上
[ HP世界設定 ]
✐ 因為有一頭紅頭髮, 小時在英國居住被周圍的小孩欺負
✐ 父親是英國人, 甜點師 , 麻瓜
✐ 母親是意大利人, 奇幻小說作家, 女巫(雷文克勞畢業生)
✐ 第1次做的甜點是跟父親一起做的紅蘿蔔蛋糕
✐ 母親有很多各種東西的筆記,她常偷來看消磨時間
✐ 對草藥學有興趣
✐ 寵物是飛鼠
✐ 誕生日: 4月25日 (金牛座)
✐ 魔杖: 主材料為柏木,獨角獸尾毛杖芯, 10又3/4寸,
[ 其他設定 ]
✐ 頭髮非常蓬鬆卷曲, 有彈性, 常會纏着樹枝或黏上其他雜物, 有時更會像鳥巢一樣
✐ 雀斑主要分佈在鼻子,臉頰及脖子
✐ 眼睛為湖水綠, 在陰暗處會泛藍
✐ 衣着為布丁黃,焦糖啡,經典黑白條紋,藍莓藍和奶油芝士蛋糕黃等點綴
✐ CV:名塚佳織 Nazuka Kaori
她的指導者叫她 "Skugga"
指導者為兩位男性, 一個經營古董店, 一個是西式糕點店店主。兩人是同學, 因為擔心她如小羔羊溫純的個性,所以對她說外面的男生都想"吃"她,不要太過接近他們,絕對是過度保護的反面教材。
01 - 起點
這種族是由人類對黑暗及看不見的跟蹤者的恐懼而誕生的。當只有自己一個, 人類會產生對黑暗的害怕, 會懷疑可能有可怕的生物隱藏在黑暗之中, 等着襲擊他們。這種恐懼創造出陰影怪物。
如此, 這種族天生是完美的跟蹤者, 密探及潛伏者。
02 - Uchitel
這是俄文中老師的意思, 我不想用老師這簡單的字詞, 所以就拿這來用了。哪兒有光,就哪兒會有陰影, 所以在人類世界對陰影的恐懼是永不止息的。因此,在她之前, 已經有着其他陰影存在。為了領導新來的, 當有新成員來臨,兩位有經驗的陰影會組成一組尋找他並成為其指導者。他們會教導所有初鳥需要知道了解的事情。
更重要的是, 因陰影誕生時並沒有形體沒有性別, 只是沒有樣子的黑暗生物,就像有生命的煤球一般。但是,如果所有成員都是黑色,他們就不容易分辨彼此, 至少其他種族不行。所以,初鳥會繼續兩位指導者的相貌,再從中轉化成自己獨有的面貌。
03 - 伙伴
身為黑暗生物, 這種族會根據他們操縱黑暗的能力, 吸引其他比較弱的影子生物。這些小小的影子生物會以寵物, 僕人, 同伴的姿態陪在這種族的身邊。
雖然影子生物有自己的形態, 他們太弱,未能保持自己的身體。如果不能找到可以提供能量的宿主, 他們就會消散。
04 - 歧視
雖然是陰影怪物,他們的人類形態有着淺白色的頭髮及膚色。其他陰影怪物把他們當成異類, 所以其中某些會穿上深色的衣物或是遮蓋他們的身體。