<p>A pair of little bare foot walked on the cold basement floor, her untied hair was long and </p><p>made a large difference with the white dress she was wearing. Her footsteps were light, as if </p><p>she was just an apparition from the past. Suddenly, a bright beam of light stroke on her. </p><p>“Caught you,” sighed a male. A pair of little bare foot walked on the cold basement floor, her untied hair was long and </p><p>made a large difference with the white dress she was wearing. Her footsteps were light, as if </p><p>she was just an apparition from the past. Suddenly, a bright beam of light stroke on her. </p><p>“Caught you,” sighed a male. On his hand a torch and a blanket, he walked up to her and </p><p>wrapped her up in the blanket that was too big for her size. It was enough to wrap up two </p><p>people in warmth but part of it was hauling on the floor in her case. </p><p>| </p><p>The bigger hand snapped to grab hers and pulled towards the opposite direction, </p><p>the small illumination didn't reach her dim eyes, the corridor was as long as she </p><p>remembered. The blanket around her slowly stored up heat from the still air, it failed to wake </p><p>her up from her state. Her eyes still glazed over so he was only talking to himself. “Forgot </p><p>to lock your door again?”He stopped at a door with glow-in-the-dark </p><p>stickers: snowman, snowflake, christmas tree and so on, he bent to pick up the blanket that </p><p>she didn't grasp, flung and put it back on her with a knot tied around her collar bone. </p><p>Then, he pushed the unlocked door and tugged her in, before closing the door with a light </p><p>kick. </p><p>| </p><p>| </p><p>Once he led her to the bed, no sharp objects around but soft fluffy plushies, he made a </p><p>clasp to wake her up. She shut her eyes firmly at the loud noise and when they were </p><p>open again, her consciousness returned. The confused mind didn't figure out what happened </p><p>and why he was looking at her with such an expression. The eyes rolled roamed around </p><p>shortly told her she was in her room, but - she should be - she looked at him for the answer. </p><p>| </p><p>“Long story short, you sleepwalked so I brought you back.”Her parted lips didn't close, </p><p>“Ah, hmm, thank you.”It wasn't the first time she do it, the frozen feet squirmed and </p><p>she put them up and curled up, grabbing the blanket from inside to close up the gap. </p><p>“You look like a homeless kitten in coldness, your hands were ******** cold.” </p><p>Before finished, he picked her hand out. “I thought human's hand is warmer?” A weak </p><p>laugh, “It supposed to be, I'm just a bit abnormal.” Feeling her body warmed up, she </p><p>rested her head on her knees. “.....Something happened and I changed.” There was silence </p><p>as she took her hand out. </p><p>| </p><p>“Have you thought of if we were not in this hunter-weapon relationship, </p><p>what would we be?”The girl asked, her toes nervously curled into the soft bedding </p><p>underneath. “Are you stupid?” said bluntly the one next to her, “There's no such thing, </p><p>why ghouls always ask questions like that?” </p><p>| </p><p>Despite his annoyed tone, he gave an answer. “I'm your weapon, and I protect your life for </p><p>the sake of my own.”That was an reply that fitted his personality much. “I dreamed that I </p><p>was a knight, I dreamed that I was a rabbit, I dream that we were friends......in another </p><p>universe.” A laugh broke the quietness, “Then that me's so unlucky, having a dumb friend </p><p>like you.” She didn't reply, her eyes casted down to the carpet that covered the dark floor </p><p>that reminded her it was a dungeon many decades ago. “One thing unchanged is that I </p><p>didn't dump you, be very grateful of that and it should be the only thing you think about.” </p><p>| </p><p>While he was murmuring he would still be the best one in any AU, the girl turned around </p><p>and placed a wrapped present box onto his laps. “Merry Christmas,” before she finished </p><p>her words, there was sounds of it being being torn apart, “Thank you for sticking with me </p><p>for another year.” It was fortunate she was still breathing, she could able to feel this world. </p><p>"WHAT THE ******** IS THIS?!" A simple chibi version was pinched up between two fingers </p><p>and swayed rudely. “Don't tell me this is me. I told you many times how majestic I am!” </p><p>| </p><p>He threw the sewn toy back into the box and pushed it her way, she frowned and pushed </p><p>back. “No one would ask the giver to take back their present, that's rude.” He didn't </p><p>hesitate to push towards her side again, “Yes if the receiver refuses to take it. That's your </p><p>fault.” Back and forth, the short temper one pushed too hard at a time and the two fell </p><p>onto the bed. Both were tired of the game and unwilling to leave the comfort that </p><p>embraced them and calmed them down. </p><p>| </p><p>Her eyes met with the dangling snowflake decorations above, which she put up for the </p><p>seasonal festival. The sparkles shone when they slowly swirled like a group of graceful ballet </p><p>dancers, they reminded her of snow, of a promise made. “Have you seen snow before?” </p><p>She lackadaisically raised her hand for the vague sparkly white. The heads almost touching, </p><p>his eyes halted on her and averted, “Yup. Why asking?” It almost felt like they were lying </p><p>on snow and watched they falling down from sky. With a beautiful melody of an </p><p>advertisement song played in her mind, a scroll of her memories unraveled. </p><p>★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ </p><p>"Hey, what're you watching? Your eyes would be damaged if you get that close to the TV.” </p><p>A force pushed her back to the safe distance. Her hands flung, struggled to stick her face </p><p>against the screen again while making whining sounds. </p><p>| </p><p>The pair of arms with firm muscles paused and a head with tanned skin and short hair </p><p>appeared, she had Asian dark brown eyes and they were gazing at the television at the </p><p>moment. “Oh an advertisement,” said the short hair. She didn't say anything, she was </p><p>captivated by what being shown. The brown eyes glanced at her and tried to induce a </p><p>conversation. “What's so special?” </p><p>| </p><p>The little girl with long smooth black hair was unable to avert her stare finally spoke, in a </p><p>dreamy voice. “The snow...is...beautiful!” It was of no importance what the commercial </p><p>tried to sell, inside, the snows slowly fell down from the sky, she wondered how it felt to </p><p>actually touch one. Her knowledge told her it should be cold and will melt, but it looked like </p><p>fluffy cotton candy to her. Small and soft, that was her impression. She knew what snow </p><p>was. </p><p>| </p><p>“Oh right, you haven’t seen real snow, me neither -” As her hand raised to touch her </p><p>neck, a paler hand landed on her shoulder, “Then we'll go to see real snow for a Christmas, </p><p>what do you think?” </p><p>| </p><p>Pale skinned with braided long reddish brown hair, the comer wore a beautiful smile as she </p><p>pulled the smaller girl into her bosom. “REALLY? we can go see snow together, </p><p>that's great!” She curled her arms around the two, dragged them down to her level and </p><p>squished herself in between. “I can't wait for that day to come.” </p><p>| </p><p>Above her, the two discussed about it, planning to give their beloved sister a white </p><p>Christmas in a coming year. </p><p>★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ </p><p>The memory faded, as though a finished movie. “Nothing,"she shook her head. “W-When I finally had a chance to see snow myself, it wasn't as lovely as fuwa fuwa as, though even </p><p>the excitement didn't go away. It's not pure white, but greyish. I made a snow angel on a </p><p>snow covered park but they were not with me.” They couldn't fulfill that promise, as if the </p><p>castle in a snow globe, it was an impossible wish. </p><p>| </p><p>The snow looked beautiful and white inside it, it was a perfection. The real snow - however </p><p>looked like the flying ashes that day with drizzles, transparent wisp of smoke drifting </p><p>towards the grey sky. She was prohibited entry so she could only stare at the ashes </p><p>helplessly dissipated, disintegrated outside. </p><p>| </p><p>She didn't have an umbrella, the wet clothes clung to her skin and absorbed her heat, her </p><p>hair stuck on her paled face as she quivered. Anywise, she just stood there until everything </p><p>ended. </p><p>| </p><p>| </p><p>It was a dream, all of it. He won't be able to stay in a weapon golem for that long, she knew; </p><p>she hadn't learned how to sew yet. It was merely something she hoped to happen, deep </p><p>beyond consciousness. Too many things not allowed to be shared. She'd found herself </p><p>curled up and cuddled with a giant alpaca plush on bed when she woke up. It was given a </p><p>ribbon that tied around its neck and named Cotton Candy, a dear gift from her best friend. </p><p>She'd have organized the presents she brought, written a few words and sent them out with </p><p>her best wishes. She was allowed to sleep until the next morning, in her warm comfortable </p><p>bed. Many things would be waiting for the Asian hunter. </p>